Friday, March 3, 2017

Hey there Sailor!

{Vintage Blazer, Zara Poplin Top, Zara Jeans, H&M Booties}

It's the countdown before I leave LA, and it's been nothing but relaxing. I have been trying to get everything I need done before I leave, which has resulted in countless dentist appointments (seriously over 3 visits), doctor appointments, car check-ups (new brakes, oil change etc), and seeing close friends. Since - once I get into Memphis, I won't have a dentist or a doctor and will have to get new insurance - which has been stressful. We are excited to finally settle down there and start a new life. It's been crazy since October of last year with us traveling back and forth and not really feeling "Settled". We are ready to get out of LA for numerous reasons, but I will miss my favorite stops and eatery's. Although I am kind of excited to find those new favorites and create a new found love of something else. It's always good for change, and sometimes is needed more than anything, at this point in my life I couldn't want anything more. A little on this look I chose for the blog: this blazer has been one of my favorite items I have held in my closet for several years. I found it at a Salvation Army near my parents house and have kept is safe ever since. Sometimes it's not how much you spend on an item that makes it special, sometimes it just has to be what you love.

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